Specialising in

Animal Performance, Health & Welfare

to give your business the edge.

Welcome to BeauxDooney Nutrition

BeauxDooney Nutrition translating to “Good Cow Nutrition” is the consultancy business that specialises in ruminant nutrition with specific focus on performance, health and welfare to give your business the edge.

Company statement

"Understand your cows"

Company vision

"To empower farmers by understanding the nutrition basics that ensure continuous profit and sustainable farming"

Company goals

  1. Improve animal health and welfare
  2. Increase production and efficiency for continuous farm profit
  3. Increase grass utilisation and management
  4. Increase control and knowledge
  5. Empower staff and management to increase proactive planning and effective decisions made on farm.

Areas of expertise

  • Dairy nutrition
  • Sheep and beef - weight gain and finishing nutrition
  • Genetics for your system
  • Farm systems
  • Sustainability
  • Grass management
  • Animal health
  • Fertility issues and strategies